Accident Insurance
Protect your hard-earned wages and savings with Personal Accident Insurance.
Your medical plan provides benefits to help with medical costs if you suffer an accidental injury. In that unfortunate event, you shouldn’t have to worry about unexpected financial setbacks as a result of an injury. Things like lost wages plus your out-of-pocket expenses and the cost for help with transportation, meals, child care, or even housekeeping can all add up. Personal Accident Insurance from LifeSecure Insurance Company can help. It provides cash benefits regardless of any other insurance you have. By pairing it with your medical plan, you can extend your protection to help with those unexpected costs so you can focus on healing.
For applicants who are returning to complete an application – If you did not complete an application on your initial visit, you may return to access your partially completed application .
To run a quote or complete an application for Personal Accident, Hospital Recovery and Critical Illness from LifeSecure Insurance Company, click here.
LifeSecure Insurance Company, based in Brighton, MI, is solely responsible for and underwrites the Personal Accident, Hospital Recovery and Critical Illness insurance products. These insurance policies have exclusions and limitations. Visit for product information, by state.